My research is in the field of AI and robotics. My long-term goal is to build intelligent robotic systems that can efficiently and safely perform tasks in a large variety of environments in the physical world to serve human being. Specifically, I work with students on developing algorithms and systems in the following aspects of intelligent robot systems:
I am also open to new research ideas and directions.
For now, I mostly publish in top-tier conference proceedings and journals on computer vision (e.g. CVPR), machine learning (e.g. ICML), robot learning (e.g. CoRL) and robotics (e.g. ICRA).
Prospective students with expertise related to the aforementioned domains are strongly encouraged to apply to my group.
I will be recruiting multiple Ph.D. students starting Fall 2025-26 academic year to establish my research group at NUS. Please apply to the ECE Ph.D. program by the application deadline. Please make sure to mention your interest in working with me in the application, and feel free to also contact me directly regarding your application.
I am looking to hire exceptional postdoctoral scholars to join my group. If interested, please contact me directly with your CV.
I will be recruiting master's, undergraduate and intern students to join my group starting 2025 to work on exciting research projects. In general, the minimum full-time commitment is six months. If interested, please contact me directly with your CV and estimated time commitment.